New Course! Get Seen Get Good!

Welcome !

I've got a new course for you! About showing your work and getting better as you go. It's called "Get Seen Get Good."

And at a special super-cheapo price just for you on my email list for 5 more days.

Why Get Seen Get Good? Because it's something I'm trying to do right now!!!
Even though I realized recently that I am very fortunate to have spent 30 years being constantly creative. I've never had my fire out. I haven't always reached people, or hit constant highs, but I've always been engaged and it's always served me, and I count myself lucky and blessed.I realized how it went was this:
  • In my 20s I was focused on GET SEEN.
  • In my 30s, it was (finally) GET GOOD.
  • In my 40s, it was MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN (I created a school I'm proud of, and made a book I am proud of, but wish I didn't have to make)
  • On turning 50, I'm SPREADING THE WORD. You deserve to be seen and to get good.

is a 4-week course designed to give you some steps in not worrying about getting good first (me too!), about showing your work (hello St. Austin Kleon) about saying HELLO, THIS IS WHO I AM, THIS IS WHAT I MAKE, and finding like-minded people (me too!).
Not strangers, not "the general public", but future friends. Your tribe.
This is what I did, and am trying to do again, and you'll hear my whole story, plus guidance and access to me in the SAW Online Community at Get Seen Get Good.

(It took me 15 years to get good! You can get there sooner!)

AND... there's a BIG Bonus about printing and publishing.
Want to hear more ? --->

On sale for just a few more days:


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