Lettering Woes

Frustrated with my lack of consistency fitting my lettering in the panel (see bottom left) I took those same letters (note the Q, and the "M' in "my" etc, and made a font, thanks to yourfonts.com. I shouldn't be surprised that I like the results- that's what I wanted. But I like them SO MUCH BETTER. 

Stupid computer, stupid fingers. Stupid brain.


Marguerite said…
I was just having some mental anguish session whether or not I should make a font of my handwriting for the new comic... I'm afraid it'll look too mechanical but that doesn't look bad at all.
Timothy Weber said…
But uneven kerning and baselines are part of your lettering, as much as the letterforms themselves. It looks mechanical to me; it doesn't breathe; doesn't look like yours.
Tom Hart said…
Well, Timothy, this is true. I tried to wobble the letters in the font itself. We'll see if there's a happy medium

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